Biotta Smoo’Tea

Brand Experience

Innovative Smoothies with a Dash of Tea

After launching the world’s first organic vegetable smoothies, Biotta Veggies, the Swiss organic pioneer once again invigorates the market for healthy beverages with just another novelty. Smoo’Teas have less calories than its competitors, although incredibly tasty thanks to exceptional composings of locally grown organic fruits and herbs. With a distinctively tasty brand experience we did our bit to make this product innovation LOHAS’ best friend.

Case 1450x1450 SmooTea Bar
Case SmooTea Apricot
Case SmooTea Bloodorange
Case SmooTea Bilberry
Case 1450x1450 SmooTea 4-Seiter
Case 725x835 SmooTea Display Case 725x835 SmooTea Flyer